Tuesday, November 6, 2012


So, I forgot I had a blog. Whoops! SO much has happened! It's crazy! Maybe we'll do this another time.
*puppy kisses and hugs*

Monday, February 6, 2012


So, yesterday, there was this thing everyone was ranting and raving about. Somethin' called Soupah Bowl? It's sounded kinda hard to follow. From what I understand, there's a bunch of boy humans on a MASSIVE grassy field and they throw around ONE ball. can you believe it!? ONE stinkin' ball for all those humans! There would be certain death if that happened with dogs. So, instead of watching that, I watched something more humane. The PUPPY BOWL! Oh man! It was so good! So much intensity. Sumi could barely contain himself, he was standing in front of the moving picture box, yellin' at the dogs! Silly puppers. Nan and Pa were laughing and yelling at the moving picture box too! Anyhoo, Puppy Bowl is better than the Human Bowl because there are MULTIPLE BALLS! Well, the toys on the field counted too. But, yeah, it was really good. They were all fantastic players! And on the plus side, they're all looking for their forever homes! So go to the link up there and check them out. They're also on petfinder.com. So go look at the footage from last night's game. It was intense!!

Ok, Mum's telling me to get off the 'puter because I have to clean up my piddle pads.
So, until then, WATCH THE PUPPY BOWL!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Time to Pawty!

Ok. mum has been hoggin' the computer for the past couple days. But, I can't be all that mad because she was workin' on something SO GREAT! 
There is this AWESOME PAWTY happenin' in Blogville for Valentine's Day! 

And we're raisin' monies for a lady who runs a foster home for dogs! She has some mean neighbors that are threatening harm to those poor dogs, so she needs to build a privacy fence to keep da' nosy neighbors outta here bizzness! She has fallen on hard times, but she's a GREAT lady! 
So, I'm donated my handsome self to the cause. I'm goin' to this pawty stag, but that's ok! 

You can check it all out here at my auntie Jess's blog!

Please help us out! 
You could even be the lucky winner of some PAWSOME swag
Vote for me to be KING of this Pawty!
Gimme a SMOOCH
You could even send a virtual 'Yummers' to a friend!
Every dollar helps!

Well, it's uber late, because mum had to make this all go live at midnight, and make sure there were no immediate problems. And I just wanted to hop on here and tell y'all where I went and what's been goin on!

Since she's been hoggin' da 'puter, I've been securin' the jewels ovah here for da King and Queen! 

There were some evil snipers trying to swipe 'em! 

Ok, time for bed for all of us! 

If you don't want to pawticipate in the activities but still wish to help out, use this button and enter your donation amount.
Every little bit helps!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Today was...

A sleepy kind of day. 
This morning mum and papa drove me to dat evil place where those people are that talk about me as if I'm not in the room, and poke me with sharp things, lay me on cold shiny flat things and give me treats that make me feel funny... 
But today wasn't SO bad I guess. Mum says I was being a drama king... pfft, what does SHE know? 
Anyways, according to the lady that gives me the treats that make me feel funny, my heart is sounding a lot better than it did last week. Which is a good thing! But, we have to wait to see if my peeing problem fixes itself. I dunno why, but I always have to pee! Mum says it's the new little pills she gives me, and that I'll get used to it and learn how to control my itty bitty bladder. I call balderdash on that! (Yeah, I have a big word a day thinger!) 
So, after all that trauma, the vet gave mum some of those treats that make me feel funny. She said something about using them for car rides. I HATES car rides. I runs the other way! But after eating a couple of these treats, mum put me in the car and all I did was stare out the window and take a nap. Mum even brought my blanket! Like she's a mind reader or something like that! 
Next I knew, we were at papa's, and I got to see my crazy cousin of sorts, Sumi. He's a nut. So hyper. Always biting my tail and pulling on my awesome ears. I thinks he's just jealous... his ears stick up and are super hairy, and his tail is all hairy and curly and weird. Yup, he's a nut. So, I played with him for a while, while mum napped. She stayed up all night again. Then when she finally woke up, I napped on her with my pookie bear. Then papa snapped that picture of me while I was sleeping. SO not impressed. Didn't get my good side.
So that was my eventful day! 
Mum says she's going to try to take my picture everyday, even if we did nothing that day. I think it's because I'm so darn handsome! 

Well, mum says I have to go now because she needs the 'puter to work on stuffs for auntie Jess. I'm not allowed to say just what yet, but I will get to soon! I'm so excited for it because I have a part in it!! That's right! My handsome self has a job for all this! 
Ok, mum's getting mad now. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

Bear with me folks!

My girl is trying to set this thing up and she's totally a n00b at this... She helps her friend with hers, but has no clue how to set up this one. We'll get to it :D
